> Reviews > Interviews > Visibility > Reading Groups
"This universal story of love and loss and the longing for connection is played out brilliantly against the Vietnam War and its aftermath–and, moreover, through a woman’s eyes, which gives the work an even wider resonance. This is impressive work indeed by a fine new writer."
- Robert Olen Butler author of A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain
-->Advance praise
-->B&N Discover Great New Writers
-->Down east Magazine
-->Frugal Reader Review
-->Kennebec Journal (Bushnell on Books)
-->Online Literature
-->"PAGES" magazine (July edition)
-->Publishers' Weekly
-->Readers' feedback
-->TheUnion.Com (July 27)
-->Portland Press herald (Sunday Telegram) July 2nd
-->Kennebec Journal July 2nd
-->"Maine Things Considered" /
interview online
-->Barnes and Noble: Discover Great New Writers program; Lily's Ghost featured from Aug 1st.
(fall books)
-->Target Stores Breakout Books Program; Lily's Ghost will be featured from Dec 26th,2006.
-->Miscellaneous Internet Hits.
MySpace /
(FlickR) /
A partial list of Reading Groups collected from the internet, that have shown interest in Lily's Ghost.
Public libraries that are lending Lily's Ghost.
-->World Cat
-->Maine Cat  / 
-->Minuteman Cat
-->Metro Boston
-->Illinois Libraries
-->New York Public Libraries
-->Houston P.L./